Jones Memorial Primary School provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils, giving every child the opportunity to experience success in learning and to achieve as high a standard as possible.
Structure of the Primary Curriculum
The curriculum is set out in six Areas of Learning. For more information click on the links below;
- Language & Literacy
- Mathematics & Numeracy
- Personal Development & Mutual Understanding
- The Arts
- The World Around Us
- Physical Education
In addition, Religious Education forms a core part of the curriculum in Jones Memorial Primary School
Whole Curriculum Skills and Capabilities
The development of children’s skills and capabilities is at the heart of the Northern Ireland Curriculum. Therefore, across all Learning Areas, children progressively develop:
Cross-curricular Skills
Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities
- Managing Information
- Thinking, Problem-Solving, Decision-Making
- Being Creative
- Working with Others
- Self-Management
Communication is central to the curriculum at JMPS Pupils should be able to communicate in order to develop as individuals, to express themselves socially, emotionally and physically, to engage with others and to contribute as members of society.
However, effective communication also includes non-verbal modes of communication, wider literacy and the use of multimedia and ICT technologies which may combine different modes. Pupils are therefore encouraged to become effective communicators by using a range of techniques, forms and media to convey information and ideas creatively and appropriately.
Communication encompasses the skills of Talking and Listening, Reading and Writing in a range of contexts across the curriculum. Standards of pupil competency in Language and Literacy are measured through the cross-curricular skill of Communication.
Across the curriculum, at a level appropriate to their ability, pupils have the opportunity to develop skills in the following areas;
Talking and Listening – this includes having opportunities to:
- Listen to and take part in discussions, explanations, role plays and presentations;
- Contribute comments, ask questions and respond to others’ points of view;
- Communicate information, ideas, opinions, feelings and imaginings, using an expanding vocabulary;
- Structure talk so that ideas can be understood by others;
- Speak clearly and adapt ways of speaking to audience and situation;
- Use non-verbal methods to express ideas and engage with the listener.
Reading – this includes having opportunities to:
- Read a range of texts* for information, ideas and enjoyment;
- Use a range of strategies to read with increasing independence;
- Find, select and use information from a range of sources;
- Understand and explore ideas, events and features in texts*;
- Use evidence from texts* to explain opinions.
* Texts refer to ideas that are organised to communicate and present a message in written, spoken, visual and symbolic forms.
Writing – this includes having opportunities to:
- Talk about, plan and edit work;
- Communicate information, meaning, feelings, imaginings and ideas in a clear and organised way;
- Develop, express and present ideas in a variety of forms and formats, using traditional and digital resources, for different audiences and purposes;
- Write with increasing accuracy and proficiency.
Information and Communications Technology, across the curriculum, has the potential to transform and enrich pupils’ learning experiences and environments. It can empower pupils, develop self-esteem and promote positive attitudes to learning. Additionally, the creative use of ICT has the potential to improve pupils’ thinking skills, providing them with opportunities to become independent, self-motivated and flexible learners.
Using ICT describes the ability to handle and communicate information, solve problems and pose questions through the use of information and communication technologies in a variety of contexts across the curriculum. It includes collaboration within and beyond the classroom; allowing pupils the opportunities to share and exchange work; and exhibit and showcases their learning.
Mr Foy co-ordinates ICT in our school.
At JMPS., pupils use ICT across the curriculum focusing on the five Es of Using ICT:
- Access, select, interpret and research information from safe and reliable sources;
- Investigate, make predictions and solve problems through interaction with digital tools.
- Create, develop, present and publish ideas and information responsibly using a range of digital media and manipulate a range of assets to produce multimedia products.
- Communicate safely and responsibly using a range of contemporary digital methods and tools, exchanging, sharing, collaborating and developing ideas digitally.
- Talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability.
- Manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly.
Literacy focuses on developing each child’s ability to understand and use language, both spoken and written, as an integral part of learning in all areas. The development of language and literacy is crucial to living and learning. Language is used to communicate with people, to share and express feelings, to give and obtain information and to understand ideas and develop thoughts.
Language and literacy are considered in a holistic way, taking account of the integral nature of the areas of Talking and Listening, Reading and Writing which extend across all areas of the curriculum.
Literacy focuses on developing each child’s ability to understand and use language as an integral part of learning in all areas in order to interact effectively with the world around them, to express themselves creatively and to communicate confidently (through Talking and Listening, Reading and Writing) using a variety of skills and media. Language and Literacy are fundamental prerequisites for thinking, learning and interacting in personal, social and work contexts throughout life. Literacy is therefore a key to learning as well as a key to enjoyment and personal growth.
Children will acquire early mathematical concepts through activities that involve sorting, matching, comparing, classifying, and making patterns and sequences in a variety of contexts. These activities should involve children in playing, exploring and investigating, doing and observing, talking and listening and asking and answering questions.
As the development of mathematical language is of fundamental importance, talking about work has a high priority in the early years. By engaging in a wide variety of activities, children will begin to understand mathematical language and then use this language to talk about their work. Children should also be given opportunities to develop their skills in mental mathematics during counting activities, by playing games and through daily classroom routines.
Numeracy is the development and application of mathematics across the curriculum and in real life situations. Skills in numeracy should help children to make informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives.
Throughout the primary school, children will engage in a wide range of purposeful activities which should involve them in different modes of mathematical learning, including playing, exploring and investigating, doing and observing, talking and listening, asking questions, reflecting, drafting, reading and recording.
Mrs Bailie co-ordinates Mathematics and Numeracy in our school.
At JMPS, we believe that Personal Development and Mutual Understanding is very much about the development of values and attitudes, learning in this area is therefore active, with children being encouraged to investigate for themselves, to suggest solutions and to make decisions based on what they have learned, thus helping them to become more confident, independent and responsible when making decisions and choices throughout their lives.
Children will experience these skills and attitudes through 2 strands:
- Personal understanding and health
- Mutual understanding in the local and global community
In the Foundation Stage, we aim to enhance the emotional development of the children, their understanding of themselves and their relationships with others. Children are given frequent opportunities to enhance their self-esteem and confidence by making choices and decisions and working co-operatively with others in the classroom.
In Key Stages 1 & 2 opportunities are provided for the children to progress from learning about themselves as individuals to becoming more aware of others and how they interact with others. They are also given opportunities to develop an appreciation and understanding of other cultures in the local and wider community, thus preparing them to play an active and meaningful part in the life of the community and being concerned about the wider environment.
Physical Development and Movement in the Foundation Stage and Physical Education in Key Stages 1&2 includes:
- Athletics
- Dance
- Games
- Gymnastics
- Swimming (P5/P6/P7)
In JMPS., we focus on the development of fundamental movement skills to support children’s physical development and long-term health and well-being. We strive to improve children’s co-ordination, locomotion, control, balance and manipulation skills. We encourage them to gain confidence and self-esteem and to feel the benefits of being healthy and active. We also avail of specialist coaching to complement the school’s P.E. programme.
Mr Barbour co-ordinates Physical Education in our school.
Religious Education (RE) is provided in accordance with the Core Syllabus. We are a controlled school and have a strong commitment to expressing Christian principles and values in the life of school and remain open to all children.
We have RE and Circle Time in our classrooms and all children attend class led assemblies each week as a collective act of worship and reflection. Parents are invited to attend class Assemblies throughout the year.
As an inclusive school we also provide instruction in Holy Communion and Confirmation.
This Area of Learning comprises the subjects of Art and Design, Drama and Music.
It provides rich opportunities for developing creativity, allowing children to express their ideas, feelings and interpretations of the world through pictures, sound, drama and dance.
Mrs Emerson co-ordinates The Arts curriculum in our school.
Using Mathematics describes the confidence and ability to apply mathematical skills in a range of meaningful contexts. Standards of pupil competency in Mathematics and Numeracy are assessed through the cross-curricular skill of Using Mathematics.
Across the curriculum, at a level appropriate to their ability, children at J. M. P.S. have the opportunity to:
- Choose the appropriate materials, equipment and mathematics to use in a particular situation;
- Use mathematical knowledge and concepts accurately;
- Work systematically and check their work;
- Use mathematics to solve problems and make decisions;
- Develop methods and strategies, including mental mathematics;
- Explore ideas, make and test predictions and think creatively;
- Identify and collect information;
- Read, interpret, organise and present information in mathematical formats;
- Use mathematical understanding and language to ask and answer questions, talk about and discuss ideas and explain ways of working;
- Develop financial capability;
- Use ICT to solve problems and/or present their work.
The World Around Us (WAU) at Foundation Stage
Children are interested and curious about what is happening in the world around them. Before starting school, they will have had opportunities to explore their world in the home, the pre-school setting and the local area. These pre-school experiences should be built on, with the children’s natural curiosity being fostered.
Children should have opportunities to use their senses in order to develop their powers of observation, to be able to sort and classify, explore, predict, experiment, compare, plan, carry out and review their work.
The World Around Us (WAU) at Key Stage 1 and 2
This Area of Learning comprises the subjects of Geography, History and Science and Technology.
Mrs McGee co-ordinates WAU in our school.